
Sport plays a vital daily role for all children in Scoil Iosef Naofa. We are proud to be a school actively involved in a wide variety of sporting activities, and believe that all children should be given the opportunity to participate in lots of different sporting experiences.

Sports offered to the children through our P.E curriculum include Hurling, Gaelic Football, swimming, Tennis, Tag Rugby, Soccer, Athletics, Gymnastics and Dance. We encourage all children to take an active part in all of these activities.

Throughout the year there will also be opportunities for children to take part in after school training for football, hurling, athletics, basketball and much more. Many thanks to all the teachers who give freely of their valuable time to train the various teams. It is much appreciated.

Third Term Sporting Activities

  • Athletics: Monday at lunchtime (1st-6th classes).
  • Basketball: Thursday at 2-3 pm (6th Class).
  • Camogie: Thursday at 2-3 pm (3rd/4th/5th and 6th).
  • Girl’s Soccer: Monday and Wednesday at lunchtime (3rd/4th/5th and 6th).
  • Hurling: Tuesday at lunchtime (3rd/4th/5th and 6th).
  • Tennis: Friday at 1 pm (5th and 6th classes)
