
Scoil Iosef Naofa is a Roman Catholic National School. We believe that each child is an individual with unique talents, abilities and needs. Our goal is to ensure, while promoting the gospel values of justice, respect, acceptance and equality, that each child acquires the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for the challenge of the world.

This Shared Vision is a ‘living document’ and is reflected in everyday practice.

School Philosophy

Our vision of the community of Scoil Iosef Naofa National School can be symbolised by the shape of a triangle. The sides are all linked and interdependent.

On the first side are the families from which the school grows. Parents and teachers together identify their aspirations for their children. On the second side we see the children, the possibilities and avenues open to them. As the third side, we the school plan a course of action and make available the educational tools to help realise the hopes of our community for our children.

The school community of Scoil Iosef Naofa primary school, comprises of home and school working together with mutual respect. This ensures the brightest future for our children. The school is the key resource to improving the quality of life in the community; in turn the community is a rich resource from which to draw educational assistance.

Each child is a unique and special person created by God. They come to school, supported by their parents, in order that they will be able to learn to make the best use of their talents and gifts that God has given them. The main purpose of the school is to make this desire become a reality on the part of the pupils and their parents. The school does this by promoting the highest quality of teaching and learning for its children.

This vision of education can be expressed in the form of these general aims:
•    To enable the child to live a full life as a child and to realise his or her potential as a unique individual.
•    To enable the child to develop as a social being through living and co-operating with others and so contribute to the good of society in Roscrea.
•    To prepare the child for further education and lifelong learning.


The school community seeks to achieve the objectives in order to develop each pupil’s talents and gifts. These aims are achieved by seeking ways to help pupils to:
•    Foster an understanding and critical appreciation of the values (moral, spiritual, religious, social and cultural) which have been distinctive in shaping Irish society and which have been traditionally accorded respect in society.
•    Nurture a sense of personal identity, self-esteem and awareness of one’s particular abilities, aptitudes and limitations combined with a respect for the rights and beliefs of others.
•    Promote excellence and equality in the developmental educational potential of all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged through economic, social, physical or mental factors.
•    Develop knowledge, skills and attitudes, a spirit of inquiry and the capacity to analyse issues critically and constructively.
•    Develop expressive, creative and artistic abilities to the individual’s full capacity.
•    Foster a spirit of self-reliance, innovation, initiative and imagination.
•    Promote physical and emotional well-being.
•    Provide pupils with the necessary education and training to support the country’s economic development and to enable them to make their particular contribution to society in an effective way.
•    Create tolerant, caring and politically aware members of society.
•    Ensure that Ireland’s young people acquire a keen appreciation of their local, national and European heritage and identity.
•    Foster in pupils a global awareness and a sense of responsibility for the long-term care of the environment.

The above objectives have to be taken with the following considerations:
(1)    The particular circumstances of the school.
(2)    The stage of development of the children.
(3)    Differences between children due to variations in intellectual and physical ability, personality etc.

The support of the Board of Management:

The board of management is constituted in accordance with the guidelines for schools of this size. Through its members, parents and teachers, there has been a broad and steady understanding built in support of the school. There is a clear understanding of the school social context. This support is delivered in practical and real terms of fund-raising, political lobbying and assistance on school programmes.

The availability of parental and other support:

Parents are encouraged to take an active role in their children’s learning. If there is any time during the year parents/guardians need to meet with the class teacher they are encouraged to make an appointment.

Parent / teacher meetings are held once a year and all parents/ guardians are expected to attend.

