Home School Community Liaison Coordinator – Ms. Claire Scott
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Mental Health Awareness:
NTDC Youth Counselling one to one Service is available by telephone or video link. This is a difficult time for everyone. Any young person aged between 10 and 17 years in need of mental health support in the Roscrea Community can avail of this service free of charge.To arrange a counselling appointment, call Mary on 087-9529041 or email mgrace@ntdc.ie

Parenting Supports

Useful Phone Numbers:

ALONE – tel: 0818 222 024 email: hello@alone.ie

St. Vincent de Paul
Local Shop – Church Street , Roscrea, Co. Tipperary, E53 RX44, Phone: 0505 24321, Email: svproscrea@gmail.com

Mortgage Arrears: MABS – Helpline Monday-Friday 9am-8pm