School Calendar

School Calendar Dates

First Term
School Opening Reopening on 30th of August at 9.20am
Halloween Closing on Friday 27th of October

Reopening on Monday 6th of November

Second Term
Holy Day Friday 8th of December
Christmas Holidays Closing on Friday 22nd December at 12.30pm

Reopening on Monday 8th of January

Lá Fhéile Bríde Monday 5th of February
Mid-Term Break Thursday 15th and Friday 16th of February
Easter Holidays Closing on Friday 22nd of March

Reopening on Monday 8th of April

First Communion To be decided
Third Term
Lá Bealtaine Monday 8th of May
Confirmation To be decided
June Bank Holiday Monday 3rd of June
Summer Holidays Closing on Friday 21st June at 12.30pm
(unless changes are required as part of contingency arrangements to make up for time loss due to unforeseen school closures)
Please note that some of the above dates may be subject to change. Parents will be notified by Aladdin and local Radio Tipp FM for unforeseen school closures.
